As the fact of speedy growth of the company, the work load and pressure increase rapidly. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF is the topic of BM Vision would like to share to all members. The program is held in the morning 09/06/2018 at Dreamplex 195 Đien Bien Phu, Binh Thanh with the participant of more than 100 members.
BM Vision this month invites Mr. Pham Đinh Nguyen – founder of PhinDeli who brings a breakthrough and “can do” spirit. It motivates and inspires BM Windows employees to overcome difficulties and gain more self-confidence and believe in company’s strength. The program takes place in the exciting atmosphere, open discussion between BM Windows members and Mr. Pham Dinh Nguyen. Under the theme “Confidence in Challenge”, members of BM Vision Club have accumulated experiences to increase the efficiency of work.
Mr. Pham Dinh Nguyen shares the story of PhinDeli
Ms. Hoang Bich Thuy explains the challenge of getting project
Mr. Huynh Nhat Minh – Chairman of BM Windows emphasizes on the role and strength of BM Windows
The success and strength of the team are created by the dedication of each individual in the company. And the “Employee of the Month” award is a recognition of its contribution to the company and demonstrates the determination of the Board of Directors focusing on human resource development.
Staff of the month 5/2018
Two excellent individuals in the office and factory have achieved good work and excellently accomplished the task assigned. Congratulations to:
- Ms. Le Thi Giang Nu – Commercial department
- Mr. Pham Luc – Deploying technique, Binh Duong Factory
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