Flamingo Dai Lai resort & BM Windows trademarks

Flamingo Dai Lai Resort is a high-class eco resort in Vietnam with unique architecture. This is the only resort in Vietnam to win 21 awards in the country and the world in architecture, real estate resort. BM Windows is proud to be the aluminum glass contractor, contributing to completing the beauty and modernity of the project through quality products, innovative methods and installation, professional installation.
Perspective of Flamingo Dai Lai Resort project
After officially launching the Flamingo Dai Lai Resort project in August, BM Windows has completed the design and is pushing the installation of a series of aluminum glass items including doors, aluminum glass windows, glass roof, glass bathroom, aluminum bars … The project began in early August and will officially handed over to the owner – Hong Dai Dai Lai Joint Stock Company on next December 31st 2017.
The completion of this project is bound to be one of the hallmark of BM Windows with investors and the Northern market for leading in quality, professionalism work on aluminum glass in Vietnam.
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