Highlights of Viettel Headquarter project

Viettel headquarter can be seen as a special construction with many “the bests”, showing the difficulties of the projects, not only technical, construction methods, quality of the materials, but also the rush schedule for the project in just 2 months.
The highlights of Viettel Headquarter project:
- Vietnam’s highest 4 layers semi-tempered glass: 11.7m
- All imported materials: Glass from USA, aluminum from France and accessories from G7
- Enormous construction volume: 13,000m2 unitized façade, 31,000m2 louver, 1,000m2 external glass partition and other categories
- Unique design with eclipse shaped and Vietnam’s first level stratificated unitized façade system
- Complex varied details with decorating louvers ranging from 25mm to 400mm
At the moment, the project already finished 80% and is in finalizing stage, we are executing everything at the same time. The project is expected to be handed over to the Investor by 31 May 2019.
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