Reducing construction cost by true value engineering

Saving construction costs is always set as one of the most important criteria in planning for a project. With the innovation in construction design, recently, BM Windows has had a new idea in design to help reducing costs greatly.
With the normal approach when constructing the corner, the weight of the corner aluminum mullion is about 15.4kg / m. By applying the use of structural silicone as an alternative, the aluminum weight of the corner is significantly reduced to only about 1.2 kg / m. A reduction of more than 90% compared to the conventional design. At the same time, instead of processing and installing 2 panels as usual, the alternative approach requires for 1 single panel installation only, saving considerable construction time for this area.

The innovative alternative is going to be applied to the corner areas of the buildings
With the Value Engineering and improvements of this single Unitized Façade corner detail, a considerable amount of material on the entire project will be saved, thereby not only saving costs for the project, but also contributing to the sustainable development of environment and company returns.
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