The unitized façade designed and built by BM Windows for 96 Phan Dang Luu Project

Each project is a piece of art embraced by the enthusiasm of its creators. Any project constructed by BM Windows is intellectually invested in finding the best and most effective solution. The Office Building located at 96 Phan Dang Luu is a project with a façade requiring complex construction. Its unitized façade system has been designed and built by BM Windows.

96 Phan Dang Luu Project with 18 floors

Design profile of the unitized facade for 96 Phan Dang Luu Project
Unlike other facades on the market, this unitized façade features a unique, serrated zigzag architecture as an aesthetic highlight for the whole construction. The system has been designed to withstand a wind load of 1.8 kPa and water pressure up to 700Pa. Double Low-E glass has been used for lower heat absorption and better energy efficiency. Let’s take a look at the perspective, 3D profile drawings of the office building at 96 Phan Dang Luu – a work filled with the enthusiasm of BM Windows that will be completed by and is expected to come into operation in June.
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