- LEED-Gold Certificate issued by the U.S Green Building Council (USGBC)
The OneHub Saigon project, designed in accordance with the LEED-Gold Standard, ensures a green environment, such as increasing drainage efficiency and reducing emissions, the ability to adapt to environmental changes and energy saving by using renewable energy sources optimally. BM Windows 24mm Low-E double glass is one of the elements that meets the requirements of the LEED standard. The completed project will bring lively, dynamic space for the staff working here.
- AS/NZS 4284: 2008 Standard
The Semi-Unitized Façade System meets the AS/NZS 4284:2008 Standard, following Technical Specification of the Client, Ascendas Saigon Bund (Singapore), through performance testings under simulated conditions of loading. The test result is highly reliable because the prototype testing is real size, using the same materials, details and methods of construction at the site. The mock-up is installed at Winwall Technology Laborary with simulated structures like the actual installation.
The mock-up of BM Windows is 3600mmW x 9300mmH tested for Structural Performance Test, including: Static test to seismic and wind interstory drafts, Air leakage, Water penetration by uniform and cyclic static air, Seismic loading and Seal degradation. The technical design and the product achieve the highest quality and aesthetics, conforming to the highest standard, the most difficult requirement in the aluminum and glass industry.
Ban chỉ huy công trình OneHub Sài Gòn
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