Quality control of products at BM Windows

Aluminum and glass facades are considered a building envelope that protects the structure. Bearing that in mind, BM Windows has always identified quality standards as a top priority in every process, from design to production and implementation.

A photo of a Mock-up for the project located at 96 Phan Dang Luu, Phu Nhuan, HCMC with the facade system that was utilized
We are one of the pioneers in installing and evaluating mock-ups to control product quality before the products are brought to construction site. At BM Windows, we execute VMU (Visual Mock-up) and PMU (Performance Mock-up). VMU is used for evaluating the product’s appearance, and PMU is performed to prove engineering criteria such as bearing capacity, airtightness, and waterproof ability. For key projects, BM Windows combines these two mock-up methods to ensure both superior product quality and aesthetics of the building.
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