Project Overview
IFC One Saigon stands as a testament to technical ambition, combining 1,628 rectangles and 833 triangles within a façade that features a dramatic 178-degree fold. This design choice culminates in the building's curved surface, stretching up to 185 meters (43 floors). Remarkably, the project set a construction milestone with a total installation time of just 45 days.
investor Viva Land Investment and Development Joint Stock Company
location Ho Chi Minh City

Drawing inspiration from the mythical “Dragon” of Vietnamese folklore, the 185-meter façade of IFC One is ingeniously assembled from thousands of aluminum glass layers and triangular panels. This creates an artistically dynamic effect of color-shifting dragon scales.
The project's largest triangular panel measures 3450×4800 mm and weighs up to 500 kg. Challenging weather conditions and significant wind pressure from the nearby winding river required the BM WINDOWS team to employ a variety of flexible construction approaches to maintain a 24/7 work schedule on-site.
The challenge presented
The 178-degree folded façade design of IFC One Saigon results in a distinctive curved surface. BM Windows deployed 20 variations of triangular panels, each with different angles, to achieve this effect. The project is distinguished by 7 closely matched paint colors, creating a unique color-transition effect that enhances the façade's dynamic sense of ascent.
The project's exceptional pace of construction is a harmonious blend of human ingenuity and precise, scientific construction methods. Effective collaboration between the manufacturing facility and the construction site enabled BM Windows to install over 200 panels daily. Importantly, each panel was designed with custom fixtures and transported to the site via oversized, heavy-duty trucks.

833 triangular panels, 1,628 rectangular panels, 80 sets of custom-designed fixtures, 100 oversized truck deliveries, and a 25-day production timeline …
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